September 12th  7.30 pm — 9.30 pm

AKENARA masterclass.

The Masterclass is based on the Vinyasa Krama methodology and is aimed at the importance of expanding and generating PRANA (vital energy) within our body through creative sequences with meaning and order, which are accompanied by the use of Kriyas and Pranayamas that They will allow you to go deep inside yourself, reach more advanced postures in a subtle and organic way, promoting a sense of clarity.

-ATMA sequence, focused on a broad combination of postures that allow the practitioner to enter a meditation in movement, placing emphasis on cultivating observation and directing attention to the internal world, which is the purpose of yoga practice.




Fascinated by the beautiful and inspiring discipline of Yoga, he certified as a teacher in 2008 and subsequently traveled to India where he lived for more than two years, for 14 months he developed the lifestyle of a Sannyasin (monk) under the teachings of Paramahansa Swami Niranjananda Saraswati , at Bihar School of Yoga. His more than 18 years of experience in Yoga led him to develop his own system called Akenara Yoga, based on the Vinyasa Krama style.

In 2018 his teaching expanded internationally through workshops, retreats and training in countries such as Switzerland, France and Spain.

His intention through teaching Yoga is to transmit to students a comprehensive vision of the practice, taking care of the roots and using the physical body through asanas as a vehicle for spiritual development, cultivating observation, devotion, inquiry. and philosophy to balance the opposing forces within the human being and promote internalization as a discipline in daily life, since in that space you can heal, touch the heart, find answers and grow as a human being.

With more than 18 years in Yoga, he developed his own system that combines Vinyasa Krama + Prana Vidya (intelligent use of vital energy) + Balance of Solar and Lunar Energies.